
You want to enter a new tab so you can see the development of your customer's turnover with one click; you want to name it "Turnover". This tab should only be visible to Management and the Sales department. Your marketing team wishes to have a "Marketing activity" field so they can easily analyze campaigns with predefined fields. Can you do that with your CRM software?

How does that work?

Yes, you can. CAS genesisWorld lets you implement your individual workflows and structures. We make sure that you can adapt your software to your requirements and not the other way around. CAS genesisWorld offers comprehensive functions for administrators to customize the CRM solution.

The functions in detail

Easily define central default settings

  • CAS genesisWorld allows you to create a standard user interface. Administrators can define central settings for specific users or user groups.
  • Administrators set up the folder structure and views with a tree structure for users.
  • Your administrator also includes a default e-mail account for each CAS genesisWorld user. Each user of a company can thus access the right e-mail account.
  • With company-wide list views, the administrator defines which fields of a data record are displayed, in which order they are displayed and how a list is sorted or which font is used.
  • New employees are quickly integrated as they find their work environment already set up in CAS genesisWorld. The administrator only defines the standards once and can then control the user management centrally via the Management Console.
  • CAS genesisWorld makes it possible to automatically install software, such as updates or add-ins via MSI packages.

Data protection

New data protection laws define how companies should enter, save and use data in their software systems. A company does not only have the duty to protect data, for example, from being stolen. It also must ensure that contacts are addressed in the right way, that is, your employees must have the consent of the person they want to contact. CAS genesisWorld makes it easy for you to comply to these requirements as we have taken the data protection act into account.

  • With an intelligent rights system, you can assign individual rights for data records or functions. Define, for example, which employee can see or edit which text, which fields can be displayed, who is allowed to enhance addresses or to execute replications.
  • Employees can execute actions if they have the corresponding rights: form letters or E-mail campaign for several addresses can only be created by employees of certain departments. And only employees of the quality assurance team are allowed to change several data records at the same time. Head of departments can define automatic reminders together with administration.
  • By entering the preferred and permitted contact method in the address data record, you make sure to contact your customers and prospects according to their preferences. In that way, you know exactly how a contact wants to be addressed. Furthermore, the administrator can define mandatory fields to make sure, for example, that the first contact is entered when creating an address.
  • The administrator assigns permission rights for specific users who are allowed to import and export data. If you are not assigned the corresponding rights, you will not have the option to import or export certain print functions for addresses nor can you copy data to Microsoft Excel. In this way, you make sure that no security holes exist.
  • If you want to make analyses, you must have permissions to report functions and the relevant data.

App Designer

The optional App Designer module lets you individually design the interfaces of different data record types.

  • You can take into account your corporate data structure by creating individual data record types, for example, the "Room management" data record type with different fields, for example, "Room number" (integer), "Number of seats" (integer) or "Equipment" (text).
  • New fields with input assistance options and default field values are easily added.
  • Create custom designs of the user interfaces of data record types, for example, layout, number of columns, field width, embedding Web elements.
  • Add new tabs, create your own tab order and define with rights settings who is to see these tabs.
  • Enhance data records with important data and show, for example, the linked company in an opportunity.
  • Add hints for certain fields to inform users of possible entries.

LDAP Server

With the LDAP server, it is possible to access addresses in CAS genesisWorld via the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). External e-mail clients like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird can access all addresses from your CRM software via this service.

  • Addresses from your CRM system are available in an external e-mail client and can be entered, for example, as e-mail recipients in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Users that do not use CAS genesisWorld, can access addresses from CAS genesisWorld via the LDAP server.
  • Users can only access addresses to which they have access rights: the rights system of your CRM data is respected.


  • The loadbalancing functions let you easily distribute client logons on different application servers.
  • You control the loadbalancing of your servers depending on processor load, memory load or number of logged-on clients. This makes it easier to use specific servers for specific tasks, for example, one server for replicating data.