09/03/23Wishing you every success in your relationships for 2023

It is still early in 2023, and we hope that you have retained the positive momentum of the New Year. Even though the global environment remains challenging and unpredictable, the economic situation is nevertheless improving in many sectors - we wish you every success and good fortune in all your business endeavors.

Mircea Prelipceanu

Make the most of the vigor and energy of the New Year and invest time in your personal relationships - with customers and prospects as well as with your team mates. Because even though the ever evolving new technological tools surrounding automation, AI and chatbots are on the rise, all of which make our daily work easier, we should keep people and our emotional relationships on an equal footing and at the forefront of everything we do.

Live events are a great opportunity to enjoy direct dialog with each other and build relationships. We are also very happy with the personal exchange that we enjoy together and we will be inviting you to the Customer Centricity Forum. I would particularly like to recommend the Customer Centricity Forum on June 29, 2023, in Karlsruhe/Germany which promises to be an exciting day full of CRM trends, expert knowledge and best practices. Additionally, you will have plenty of time to chat to us, our partners and other CAS customers. 

Successful companies know that customers are the key for the success of projects and the achievement of goals, because without them, there is no sustainable basis for business. It is therefore essential to align products, services, processes and all touchpoints with the customer and to understand CRM not only as software, but to live Customer Centricity as a corporate mission statement. This is the only way companies can win customers as loyal fans who go on to make recommendations and remain loyal to the company.

CRM as a central information platform for customer knowledge supports the transparent and central provision of all customer-related information, thus enabling a personal and individual approach across all channels. Simultaneously, the automation of routine processes saves us time and helps to improve the quality of operations so that we can spend more time enjoying personal contact with both our customers and prospective customers. Furthermore, we want to offer you not only new products and beneficial features, but also share (expert) knowledge, know-how and experience around customer centricity, customer management and customer relations with you in the CAS CRM Talks, tutorials or webinars, among others.

So let us drive inspiring customer relationships.

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